Mardan a city of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa is known as the heart of Gandhara Civilization; the great centre of learning and a rich cultural heritage. Different archeological sites have been found with inevitable significance of every region, in the city. The most important of all is ‘Takht-i-Bahi’ which means Throne of water- spring, It is situated beside a water spring and possesses the great prestige of having the most preserved and protected site of a Budhist monastery. This palce was famous being a hub of knowledge for the students and monks from across the globe since 1st Century. Girls’ Cadet College backed up by the Government of Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa for the women is one of its kind. The actual location of college ‘Takht-i-Bahi’, in itself is significantly important due to its cultural and educational heritage. Selection of the region for the project only adds-up to the already magnificent splendor of the institute which would In Sha Allah become a feeder institution for Armed Forces and Civil Services, alike.

The idea of establishment of Girls’ Cadet College Mardan (GCCM) was conceived in 2016 by the Minister of Education: Mr Muhammad Atif Khan and approved by Mr Pervez khattak, the Honourable Chief Minister Khyber Pakhtunkhuwa. The aim of this college is to provide an equal opportunity to the girls so they become useful and responsible citizens of the country. Site for the College has been selected at Takht -i-Bahi and is planned to shift from its temporary campus to actual location on completion of construction. The College started functioning on 22nd May 2017 at temporary campus Government Commerce College for Women Mardan, and first entry reported at GCCM on 20th August 2017.